Many, many years ago in a little far away country lived a girl who oftenly went to movie with her daddy to watch movies about wild, wild west. In these movies she saw wonderful bed blankets made from many colorful small pieces of fabrics. And of course, she wanted to have one, but in her far, far away country no one knows how to make it. Then, some decades later clever men invented internet and our little girl (being granny in meantime) finally learned how to make a quilt. From many scraps , in all the wonderful colours in the world.


nedjelja, 27. kolovoza 2017.


Znam da pisanje bloga već odavno nije "in" ali sve više osjećam potrebu da se vratim ovom  formatu i sad sam tu. U mom malom svijetu se i dalje ne događa ništa spektalurano, živim tempom koji mi odgovara, mirno i s da će najmanjom mogućom količinom stresa, svjesno izbjegavajući negativne događaje i osobe. Možda to i jest zabijanje glave u pijesak ,ali odavno znam da ne mogu mijenjati svijet već samo sebe.Kada sam prije osam godina otišla živjeti na selo ,znatan je broj osoba, iz moje okoline uključujući i neke vrko bliske, bio vrlo skeptičan i gotovo nitko nije vjerovao da će moja country faza potrajati. A ja sam i dalje tu, uvijek i nadam se zauvijek.
Neću previše mudrovati ni pokušati ikoga nagovoriti da odabere moj način života, ali odluka o dolasku ovamo je vjerojatno najbolja koju sam ikada donijela.

I dalje se ne bavim poljoprivredom, ove sam godine odustala i od povrtnjaka, jedino mi ostaje moje cvijeće i to prvenstveno hoste kojima su se pridružile heuchere, hemerocalisi i dalije. Nažalost zbog dugotrajne suše i ekstremnih vrućina ne mogu se jako praviti važna, sada mi je jedino važno da što više biljaka preživi iduće ćemo godine uživati u njihovoj ljepoti.

I na kraju neizbježno, ali i gotovo nepotrebno pitanje o šivanju, patchworku i quiltingu. Da , radim i to više nego ikad, no za slike će biti potrebno malo strpljenja jer nove radove još nsam uslikala, a Alietare još nije završen pa može proći


četvrtak, 27. kolovoza 2015.


I think I'm  now officialy qualified for this year Bonnie Hunter's mistery quilt. 
My Grand illusion is a flimsy with real chance to be quilted before new Mistery.
I did make some changes: didn't like that blue so I took gray instead, made it narrower for one  row and also substituted pieced borders with narrow yellow and simple black border. i wasn't delighted workig on this quilt, but now I realy, realy like it. It is going to be a both Christmas and birthday gift to my sister, and a big surprise I believe. She likes this quilt a lot but I lied to her telling it is for someone else.

utorak, 2. prosinca 2014.


This year I've  decided to finally make Bonnie Hunter's Mistery quilt  together with thousands other quilters. I prepared myself properly, even got paint chips cards from FC friend ( thank you Sandy), but.... Yes there is always a big BUT. These year it is my daughter's wedding on December the 13th, so I have very little time to play along. I've cut all yellow  and  black squares and some more pink/blue HST  and sew only these six together. I'm not quite satisfied how they look , the yellow seems to dark for me, I think to substite it with lighter ones.

In meantime I have to finish quilting on this Christmas table topper before leaving  to wedding next week.

nedjelja, 23. ožujka 2014.


What was I doing on Friday evening? Sewing with my online friends, of course.  But this Friday I was not sewing, I was quilting.  And was very efficient, I've finished this baby quilt, only have to bind it.

Here is finished quilt - blue version. They are going to be a present to little Sara and her brother David.

Less then a month until Easter, time to make new decoration. I've seen these chicks on so many different places and  just have to make them.  After Easter they would move to my sewing space and become pincushions.

nedjelja, 9. ožujka 2014.


This top was finished a year ago, and after only one year of waiting it's now quilted and binded . Pattern is from Bonnie Hunter and is called Kiss in the corner . Still have about ten tops for quilting , and if I quilt ONLY  1 a month , by the end of the year there would be no quilts on that pile . I wish I could be more persistent;

I'm a scrapocholic and could not throw away any piece of fabrics which could  be used . Result ?  Five pretty large boxes full of strings waiting to be turn into quilts. So I've decided to declare this year into a string block year . This is my kind of leader-ender project ; every day I start my sewing with piecing two blocks of strings . And in no time a have a nice pile of blocks ready to be sewn together. For this quilt I needed  80  of them  (7,5" )  and probably would not add borders . Like it this way, scrappy and colourful


This is not the only string quilt I made this year, the smaller one is basted and  waiting to be quilted this week. Nedless to say;  yes I've started a new string quilt ...

srijeda, 5. veljače 2014.


Temperatures are low and snow is still enough high to enjoy staying in house and working with needle. So let's see what I did. I actually didn't make any new flower, but I think puting them together could be counted. This is going to be a table topper for the round table I have, not quilte sure how big it would be.

Easter is not far away so I stitched this little wall hanging for the kitchen.I would probably add some embelishing; old buttons or pieces of lace before quilting, have two months to finish it.

But Valentine is just around the corner and I have to finally decide what to do with these cute little hearts I made few years ago. I was thinking of another wall haning or table runner by adding red fabrics, what do you think?

And last but not least the first finish of this year. This little quilt needed two years from  UFO to FF.

srijeda, 29. siječnja 2014.


I'm back with my scrapy flowers;  I've miscalculated needed flowers and HOPE these are the last two. I couldn't resist to picture them in the snow,  aren't they lovely.


 Yes, winter came in all his beauty with enough snow to enjoy in it and without major problems yet.

Could you believe that these pics were taken just a week ago? So far we had very strange winter , but now everything is just it has to be.


Somehow I forgot to show  you pictures of my Christmas quilts.
They are all made with same block - Under the mistletoe,  look what a  different layout could do. Fabrics are pretty much the same :  reds,  greens and neutrals with gold.